GL Homes Senior Director of Community Relations Sarah Alsofrom, GL Homes President Misha Ezratti and Forum Club of the Palm Beaches CEO Sarah Criser Elwell. Photo taken at Valencia Sound in Boynton Beach, a GL Homes community.
Photo credit: Tracey Benson Photography
The mission of Forum Club of the Palm Beaches — and its monthly luncheons — is simple yet powerful…and one that’s desperately needed in today’s political climate: “We strive to stimulate thought and promote dialogue,” said Forum Club Chief Executive Officer Sarah Criser Elwell.
And how does this nonprofit, which was founded in 1976 and is Florida’s largest non-partisan political and public affairs organization, achieve its laudable goal? By presenting to its 650 members — as well as the public at large — a diverse array of accomplished speakers.
And these speakers — who have included elected officials, CEOs, military leaders, Supreme Court Justices, presidential Cabinet members, network news anchors and cable TV pundits, etc. — come from every possible background and political persuasion.
Forum Club of the Palm Beaches
As a nonprofit, the Forum Club of the Palm Beaches is Florida’s largest nonpartisan, political and public affairs organization. Since 1976 when President Jimmy Carter served as its inaugural speaker, the Forum Club has hosted U.S. Supreme Court justices and a variety of leaders whose words and actions affect the world in which we live.